Momtazan cement project history
Momtazan cement company (Public joint stock) registration N0.5416 and production capacity 3300 tons of clincker per day (one million tons yearly) has established on purposes of Kerman province and IRAN cement requirements and occupation.
After economical, financial and technical possibilities study, on 15 Aug. 2002 the company registered under no 5416 and started on an area measurement 82 sq. hectares by the mister of industries and mine located in Kerman 40 km north – west on august 2004.
Momtazan Cement Company’s board of establishment is mainly Kerman province well-known investors and Kerman cement industries cooperation. At present the above company, about has authorized 37% of all shares. It is worthy to mention that, the above project is one of the primary projects which established by private section partnership, a very high capital volume and long return.
Momtazan cement project execution
from the first, momtazan cement project, by KHD co. partnership mixed together its capabilities in the field of structure, engineering, management and project control in a cooperation environment.
Momtazan cement project with an innovation type(model) of Iranian-German efficiency cooperation changed to a progressive project in Iran’s cement industry. The above project started in 2004 and during 30 months executed successfully. It is a new record in IRAN. This innovation as a very magnificent challenge in the achieving successfulness, even more than that, it is a very high rank in qualification.
In the straight of above project fulfillment, KHD has used of the newest technology in the process design, momtazan cement project systems and mean while, it uses of reputable European companies for equipment of all line.
As a result after 6 days of kilns tourch starting, the production line arised as nominal capacity 3300 tons clincker per day.
By project completion, activities as utilities and sites, this factory joined as one of the most modern one in cement factories.
Project activity history
Row |
Title |
Date |
1 |
Receiving the principal agreement |
22.06.2002 |
2 |
Company registration |
15.08.2002 |
3 |
Letter of credits opening |
15.03.2004 |
4 |
Starting activities by KHD contract |
26.05.2004 |
5 |
Project starting |
15.09.2004 |
6 |
Building activities starting |
18.10.2004 |
7 |
Concrete work starting |
29.01.2005 |
8 |
Machineries installation starting |
31.05.2006 |
9 |
Commissioning starting |
01.05.2007 |
10 |
Clincker production |
21.08.2007 |
11 |
Cement production |
14.09.2007 |
12 |
Cement loading |
22.09.2007 |
General cepecification of momtazan cement production line
Production type: Gray Portland cement in 1-425 , 2 , 5 types and pozzolanei (production of the other types by costumer or request)
Mine location: main highway – 400m near factory
Primary materials: Alluvium, Limestone, Iron ore, bauxite, gypsum, pozullan
Factory Geographical situation: Kerman – Tehran highway 32nd KM
Factory’s contract demand: 22M.W
Factory’s consumption demand: 20M.W
Factory’s consumption water: 30Lit/sec
Factory’s natural gas consumption: 15000M3/h
Factory’s loading house possibilities production:
1- Bulk: 6 bunkers simultaneously
2- Packer: 2 packers simultaneously
3- Big bag: 1-2 tons big bags
4- Palletizer: Plastic covering pallet with 2 tons capacity hundred percent against moisture penetration.